"This your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more." (The Matrix)

No guts, no glory ... Bust a move ... Take the plunge ... Just do it... Get the ball rolling ... Blue pill or red pill ...

We've heard these expressions over and over again, as if fighting against inertia and hesitancy is simply a matter of doing something. And while you do have to take a step forward, the real question is: What's on the other side of that action? Equally intriguing is what happens if you don't take an action.

Which Path Are You Taking?

As you know, I recently jumped off a metaphoric cliff to release my podcast, Let the Verse Flow. It was terrifying, even though I had prepared for it for more than 10 months.

🤔Were the episodes good enough? Did anyone want to hear what I had to say? Does this story/poetry/music combo make sense? I had a million questions—most of them pointing me in the direction of not taking the plunge. But I did it anyway because I wanted the benefits.

  • Creative freedom
  • Building an online forum to share my thoughts on creativity and personal growth
  • Finding & connecting with my tribe
two roads between trees

There are many meanings to my new show title "Let the Verse Flow," but perhaps the most important is the proclamation to let my words spill out. To let my rhymes take center stage. To give myself permission to express who I really am. That can be terrifying. On the other hand, it can be immensely empowering too. There's some truth to that old saying, "No guts, no glory."

Are you contemplating a big decision or even a small decision that carries a big weight? Journal it out. Here are some questions to ask yourself. This isn't busy work, and 5-minute stints are good enough. In the act of writing about these questions, you are moving the needle forward toward new decisions (even if the first step is in your mind).

Journaling 101: An Inspirational Guide to Start (or Revive) a Practice
Whether you write, doodle, draw, or keep memorable quotes, journaling uncovers YOU. Let your unconscious mind speak, download my free guide.

Sign up for the Let the Verse Flow Newsletter and get access to all my articles, including this free journaling guide.

Journal Prompts (to help you take a plunge):

  • What's something that you really want but have been telling yourself you can't have? Hint: it may be something you dream about or keep secret.
  • Are there 1 or 2 small steps that you can take to explore this desire? Hint: dig deep (there probably are).
  • Take one of those steps and then write how you felt afterward. The good, the bad, and the ugly.
LTVF Season One Music Playlist
LTVF Podcast Season One Music Playlist 💛Bob Marley & Wailers (Trenchtown Rock) –“One good thing about music, when it hits you feel no pain.” 💜Prince & The Re…

MATRIX Lovers: Get inspired by the" Ice Ice MATRIX" track 7 on my LTVF music playlist.

Don't Get Boxed In:

One last plea – don't box yourself in with limiting beliefs. Let your journal writing broaden your view of what's possible. If you've heard Episode One (Season One) of my new podcast, you know that I don't like to feel boxed in. I'm not one for categorizing or labeling people. Turns out I'm not the only one. Here's Seth Godin's recent blog article on cultural shortcuts. His last paragraph is a gem! 💛💜

Curious & Contemplating

What I'm Listening to: Creative Pep Talk by Andy J. Pizza (Apple Podcast | Spotify) (I love his energy and insights into forging a creative practice.)

Recently Read: Make Noise: A Creator's Guide to Podcasting and Great Audio Storytelling by Eric Nuzum (Valuable journey through podcast history and a guide to best practice.)

What I'm Reading: The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin

I’ve learned that whenever I decide something with an open heart, I usually make the right decision. (Maya Angelou)

Today's Photo

"Take a picture sweetie, I ain't got time 2 wait! Oh baby I'm a Star!" (Baby I'm a Star, Prince & the Revolution)
gold star with message "Believe your own hype."
Believing in yourself is the first step toward moving in the direction of your next big decision.

Tune in to Let the Verse Flow: Here's How

Listen to Let the Verse Flow, completely free, wherever you get your podcasts. Share it with friends and family—anyone who wants to get off the hamster wheel of life to find more joy, positivity, and happiness.

Listen to Let the Verse Flow on Your Podcast Player of Choice

You can listen to LTVF on all major podcast apps like Apple, Google and Spotify.

Signing off for today. Until next time, don't forget to stay on the bright side of the beat. 🌞

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Let the Verse Flow is an independent publication launched in June 2023 by Jill Hodge. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Members are vital to building a rich community of diverse voices. Join us by subscribing today; consider a paid subscription to support the community if possible. Thank you!