It's GO TIME!! I can’t believe it, but I launched my podcast today! Yes, my new podcast, Let the Verse Flow is live! It’s a passion project that developed out of my year-and-a-half journey to help my mother with her ailing health. Months of hospital visits, caring for her in my home and finally moving her to an Assisted Living facility, took its toll on me and I felt broken for a while.

Instinctively, I picked up my pen and started writing poetry—something I hadn’t done since I was a teenager. These poems often started out dark, but toward the end, my words turned hopeful. Positive changes were coming—a small uptick in my personal growth as I started shifting my priorities and questioning thinking patterns that weren’t serving me well.

  • I spent more time on creative projects,
  • focused more on my needs (and stopped people-pleasing behaviors), and
  • stopped judging myself so harshly.

All of this came from a strong feeling deep in my gut that I wanted (and deserved) more out of life.

I was curious about these thoughts and started researching a bunch of topics to develop my idea for a new type of self-improvement podcast. I developed small, doable coping strategies by studying topics like grief, mindfulness, creative flow, and positive psychology. After months of slow development, I’ve launched a new podcast that uses stories, poems, and music to inspire our collective personal growth journeys. It’s part entertainment, part self-care.


Listen to Let the Verse Flow on Your Podcast Player of Choice

You can listen to LTVF on all major podcast apps like Apple, Google, and Spotify.

I hope you’ll have a listen. You’ll find the trailer and the first three episodes on all major podcast apps (Apple, Spotify, Google). Have a listen to these short episodes and let me know what you think. I’m taking requests for topics and am open to feedback as I create a new community of friends interested in the possibility of using creative activities like journaling to enrich their lives.

💛I hope the podcast inspires you.

💜I hope it resonates with you.

💛I hope you find tools and coping mechanisms to try.

Mostly, I hope you find some peace and comfort as you join me on a collective quest for a more purposeful life.

These are my reflections from the bright side of the beat. Please enjoy! 🌞

Journaling 101: An Inspirational Guide to Start (or Revive) a Practice
Whether you write, doodle, draw, or keep memorable quotes, journaling uncovers YOU. Let your unconscious mind speak, download my free guide.

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