The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

Repeat after me: "I can take 5 minutes for myself." Ahh, a bit of relaxation on a stressful day is like finding a waterfall after a long hike or stepping into an inviting steam room after a hard workout. We need these short respites from life's ongoing saga.

Here are this week's essentials – tools that support our need to pause and refresh.

I'm also sharing the latest podcast episode: an Affirmation Meditation to Overcome Overthinking and Worry (a companion to episode 23 on the same topic). Read on and settle into calm.

Gif of a frog relaxing on a lily pad with the words "I am chill."
A little nod to leap year.

#1 Fight Hustle Culture with these Relaxation Hacks!

Fight the hustle culture! Here are seven thoughtful ways to relax, courtesy of the Wondermind website (all therapist-approved). We start by asking “How full is my cup?” If you aren’t sure, check out the quick worksheet (linked in the article).

Favorite quote:

…try imagining yourself as a literal cup that holds energy, creativity, emotional capacity, and presence of mind to tackle daily tasks for yourself and others. How full are you? If you sense you are overflowing with more than enough to give yourself and others, that's wonderful. But if you need a refill, ask yourself, "What relaxing activity can top me off?
7 Therapist-Approved Tips for Anyone Who Sucks at Relaxing
If doing nothing is really hard for you, here’s why and what to do about it.

#2 Loving on Libraries

It seems Gen Z and Millennials are loving libraries, and in an era that has seen the return of book banning (even in libraries), I am thrilled to hear some good news about young people seeking out the pleasure of a bound book. Home libraries are also trending. An American Library Association study found:

  • Some 54% of Gen Z and Millennials are visiting libraries.
  • They prefer books in print (over ebooks and audio).
  • They read an average of 2 books per month.
  • Not all library visitors go there to read; some craft with friends or play video games in the space given access to free Wi-Fi and quiet.
Gen Z and millennials have an unlikely love affair with their local libraries
Though they’re sometimes characterized as attention-addled homebodies, younger people see a real value in libraries − one that goes beyond books.

#3 The Cutest Buddha Doodles 💜💛

I feel delight whenever I visit this Instagram page – these sweet doodles are life-giving and a joyful way to interact with social media and give a gentle nudge to your mindfulness and self-care practice.

Buddha Doodles on Instagram: “Today’s Doodle ♥ Image description: Ooty (a pale blue elephant) and Zed (a little monk in an orange robe) are sitting in a boat practicing meditation. You can see their reflections in the tranquil and still sea, against a backdrop of twinkling stars and wondrous possibilities. The caption says, “Seek stillness.” The artwork is by Mollycules.”
4,936 likes, 19 comments - buddhadoodles on February 27, 2023: “Today’s Doodle ♥ Image description: Ooty (a pale blue elephant) and Zed (a little monk in an ...”

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