The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!
I've been thinking a lot about acceptance these days. My astonishment at how hectic and conflicting the last few years have been is increasingly tempered by a growing feeling that I can handle what comes my way. I don't have to fight against it all.
I can let uncomfortable feelings or situations unfold in my mind (and life), acknowledge them and watch them move on. That may not be a momentary process; let's face it, taking care of ill loved ones, your children, or your work may have you dealing with uncomfortable feelings for weeks at a time. But somehow, we make it through.
I hope this collection of resources makes your day a bit easier, sparks your imagination, or makes you think about something in a new and exciting way. 🤔
#1 Make the Most of Your Midlife Crisis
One of my favorite takeaways from this article on pursuing meaning and purpose as an antidote to a midlife crisis:
It might seem silly to engage in fretful navel-gazing about whether life has been everything we hoped for when we hit 50 (or any other random birthday). However, no matter how old you are, it does seem vital to regularly ask whether you are truly doing what you want and what you could do with your life. Having some degree of prosperity and privilege...might make the quest for meaning easier, but “What is the meaning of my life?” is a question all people must ask, sooner or later. And the answer often seems to require sharing whatever resources you might have.

#2 Yin & Yang: a Primer
In my latest podcast episode on seeing painful (and pleasurable) experiences through the lens of yin and yang was informed by this video about the meanings of yin and yang. I applied some of these principles to the "stew" of conflicting emotions I've been feeling lately.
#3 Paper Art: Making the Dead Come Alive
I love paper art, and recently found this online portfolio of paper sugar skulls made in honor of La Dia de Los Muertos by Tsvetislava Koleva. Enjoy!

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Episode #41: Finding Balance in Struggle: Exploring Yin and Yang in Daily Life

Episode 40: Life Among the Tulips: Exploring New Worlds Without My Mom

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