The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

As we settle into 2024, and move past the rush of the new year, I hope you are taking a few moments to reflect on how the year is going so far, especially in terms of your personal growth goals.

My goals are progressing (and I've accepted their snail's pace). I'm setting boundaries to preserve my me-time (and my sanity!), meditating more and enjoying mindful moments and feeling grateful that my mom's health has stabilized for the moment and I can enjoy her incredibly warm smiles.

What are you reflecting on so far this year? Hit reply and let me know. In the meantime, here are three new resources, some incredibly kind reviews of the podcast, and recent episodes (Overcoming Overthinking and an Affirmation Meditation on Cultivating Creative Flow). Check them out!đź’śđź’›

#1 10 Creative Ways to Stop Overthinking

Created by Arianna Huffington (of the Huffington Post), Thrive offers resources and articles to prevent and overcome burnout using science-backed approaches. These 10 fun ways to stop overthinking include looking up for a moment (a pause to break the overthinking cycle) and grounding (with a shower or meditation).

10 Creative Ways to Stop Overthinking Things - Thrive Global
Constantly ruminating over situations can take a toll on your mental health, but these in-the-moment tips can help you finally let go.

#2 The Benefits of Daydreaming

As an only child, I became a daydreaming master in my teens. I consider it one of life's greatest pleasures – and a fruitful ground from which to be creative and solve problems.

This animated video is a fun exploration of the benefits of daydreaming as seen through the eyes of a “bored teenager.” It's just the validation I needed and points out that our daydreams offer us a chance to recast our life to include positive situations, accolades, and accomplishments. Daydreams are a respite from our daily routines (which let’s face it can get dull and lackluster). This video talks about “mind wandering” and its link to increased ideas, positive emotions, and roadmaps to reach our goals.

The benefits of daydreaming - Elizabeth Cox
Enter the mind of a bored teenager to discover what happens in the brain when we daydream and find out what purpose it serves.--On a daily basis, you spend b…

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💜💛Latest Podcast Reviews for Let the Verse Flow 💛💜

I know this isn't a link, but I had to show some love to the last two Apple podcast reviewers. These two 5-star reviews had me on cloud nine! My loving thanks to these reviewers for taking the time to write such poignant reviews. Reviews are essential in podcasting, they help spread the news about the show by nudging Apple and Spotify to send potential listeners my way.

#3 Tom Clancy Did It (and So Can You!)

This James Clear blog article about Tom Clancy’s transition from insurance executive to bestselling novelist (100+ million books sold) reminds us that even after working for decades in one field, we can transition to another. Our lives are not set in stone; we can dream and take action to make those dreams come true.

I find it particularly interesting that while Clancy graduated college with an English degree, he worked in the insurance industry for many years before circling back to writing. Sometimes it takes a while before we pursue our passions, and that’s okay. The important thing is that we do pursue them.

How to Chase Your Dreams and Reinvent Yourself
How do you reinvent yourself when you’ve already done something else for a long time? Read this article to find out how one man did it.

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Latest Podcast Episodes

Episode #23: Overcoming Overthinking

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Episode #22: Affirmation Meditation to Cultivate Creative Flow

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Let the Verse Flow is an independent, member-supported publication launched in June 2023 by Jill Hodge. If you subscribe today, you'll have full access to the website and newsletter, including articles, podcast episodes, and the Me-Time Mixtape Newsletter. Members are vital to building a rich community of diverse voices. Join us by subscribing today; consider a paid subscription to support the community. Thank you!