
I have trouble talking about myself, and even more trouble writing about myself in the third person (I'm right here guys). I'm the one writing these articles, I'm the one recording and editing this podcast, so I'm not going to front and pretend I have some team behind me. I am an overworked, passionate woman, looking for my tribe of like-minded folks. If you want to get to know what matters to me most, check out my podcast. It tells you everything you need to know (and then some)!

Meet Jill Hodge, the Host of Let the Verse Flow

Do you want more joy, creativity, and fulfillment in your life but feel overwhelmed by tools like mindfulness and gratitude? Do you wish you had a trusted friend to dive in first, learn how to use personal growth tools, get it done, and report back the details? Then Let the Verse Flow is for you.


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