The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!
I must be the only one on the planet who didn't know Anderson Cooper's mother was Gloria Vanderbilt. Mind blown. 🤯 Where have I been all my life? Anyway, Anderson is having an open, honest discussion on grief, and I'm here for it. Find his podcast and more in this issue of the Me-Time Mixtape.
#1 Anderson Cooper on Grief
Grief, it's inevitable, and as I get older I realize how important it is to discuss it, understand its role in our lives, and make time and space to heal from it. I've found Anderson Cooper's podcast on grief, All There Is, to be touching, authentic (and sometimes hard to listen to). It's so meaningful though. I highly recommend a listen, if and when you feel ready to explore grief. Grief changes us, and surprisingly I think it has a wonderful capacity to connect us to gratitude. Maybe not right away or at all stages of grief, but I feel gratefulness shining through sometimes (and that feels good).

#2 When Making Mediocre Art Feels Good
No link here, but for my birthday I went to my first paint and sip event (with my daughter). We made mediocre art (as you can see) and I'm not mad about it. The social aspect of painting in a group, sitting next to my beautiful daughter, and playing with color was fun and freeing. With so little freedom in our lives, these types of events can add some playfulness. Who knows, perhaps you'll start a new hobby. Check out paint and sip events in your area.

#3 Interior Design: Understanding the Psychology of Colors for Mood and Visual Appeal
All the glorious shades of greens and purples popping up in Central Park have me thinking about a spring refresh on my apartment. It's long overdue. Does color inspire you? Check out these color-saturated room decor ideas for inspiration.

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Episode #26: Mindful Living Through Meditation

Episode #25: Creativity Connects Us to Hope

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