The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

#1 Paring Things Down Feels Good

As a reforming packrat, I'm relatively new to minimalism, but I've experienced some of the benefits of paring things down referenced in this article. I needed a reminder to take small steps when decluttering by working on one room at a time. Not a revolutionary idea, but a good, gentle reminder of a possible path forward.

Navigating Minimalism: A Guide for Those Struggling with Mental Health
Discover the transformative power of minimalism for mental health. Learn how to declutter with intention, reduce stress, improve decision-making, and manage expectations.

#2 Creativity Can Shift Consciousness

When I first started learning about creative flow, I felt comforted by the fact that through flow states, we could experience a shift in our consciousness. I experience that weekly when I produce my spoken word poetry for Let the Verse Flow. I lose all sense of time, find myself smiling uncontrollably, and feel most myself while combining poetry and music for my show.

This short animated book summary of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's book Flow breaks it all down in a fun way. I hope it will inspire you to dive deep into your creative passions, by producing art, problem-solving, or innovating in meaningful ways.

For more videos like this, follow FightMediocrity on X: If you are struggling, consider an online therapy session with our partner B…

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#3 Journal Prompts for a Nature Connection

I'm always thinking about how to inspire your creative self-care and the most powerful outside creative force in my life (besides my life experiences) is nature. It helps me write poems, connect with patterns and shapes, and indulge in restorative self-care through my senses. Your local park, beach, or mountain is calling you – answer the call and tap into nature, then write about it using these prompts. These prompts are from episode #28.🌲🌳🌴⛰️🌄🏖️

Hear more about the nature connection in episode #28 of the podcast.

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Episode #30: Embracing Uncertainty: Feeling Faithful & Taking Action

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Episode #29: Keep Your Creative Spirit Alive: Focus on the Journey

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Check Out My Discussion with Jenny Leigh Hodgins, host of the YourCreativeChord Podcast

In case you didn't catch it, I was interviewed by Jenny Leigh Hodgins on her podcast, YourCreativeChord, in a two-part series on creative self-care topics. We talked about many things, including overcoming creative blocks and finding creative inspiration, diversity in the arts, and the intersection of grief, caregiving, and creative self-care. I hope you'll check out the interviews.

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Let the Verse Flow is an independent, member-supported publication launched in June 2023 by Jill Hodge. If you subscribe today, you'll have full access to the website and newsletter, including articles, podcast episodes, and the Me-Time Mixtape Newsletter. Members are vital to building a rich community of diverse voices. Join us by subscribing today; consider a paid subscription to support the community. Thank you!