The Me-Time Mixtape: Three essential hand-curated links and resources on creative self-care. Carve out some me time this week!

Happy Valentine's Day to all you fabulous people! While sharing love with others today, don't forget to express your self-love by taking a me-time break (at least 15 minutes for yourself).

Remember self-care isn't just about a pleasurable activity (e.g., spa day, exercise, reading a book); its real value is the intention to be good to yourself, to make time for yourself, and to reaffirm what matters to you. What's most important is the internal shift from prioritizing others to prioritizing yourself. Making space for "you" is what makes self-care fulfilling and rejuvenating.

To help you find inspiration for that me time, here are some new ideas and resources to help you reaffirm your loveable self. đź’śđź’›

In today's Me-Time Mixtape, I'm sharing links on self-love, setting boundaries, and creative inspiration. Also, last week, I released my first full-length affirmation meditation on keeping your dreams alive (episode #20), and today I've released one on a favorite topic: creative flow (episode #21). Check them out!

#1 Self-Love Manifesto

This year for Valentine's Day, I've created a self-love manifesto because frankly, I'm working on my negative self-talk too. I figure if I need to be more intentional about loving myself, you may too.

Here's a new blog post I wrote about what I'm calling the "self-love manifesto". Check it out. I've also created a pin with affirmations that you can speak into reality. Affirmations can help reframe how you see yourself by changing the running narrative and self-talk that goes through your mind.

Love Yourself: a Self-Love Manifesto
While we spread love to others, we may forget to take a few moments each day to show love for ourselves. Let’s stop the negative internal chatter today, and reset with these affirmations.

Are you on Pinterest? Follow me there (link below) to see my collection of pins (infographics, affirmations, podcast episodes, and articles).

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Let the Verse Flow | Personal Growth Podcast | 🎙️A personal growth podcast that taps into the positive healing power of stories + poetry + music. Journal prompts, music playlists, creative challenges, and positive psychology tips. 📨Sign up for the free newsletter.

#2 Setting Boundaries

This little crash course in setting boundaries is a wonderful reminder about why we need to set limits with others to protect our needs. Think of this as a companion to the self-love manifesto. We may need to set boundaries to promote and prioritize our self-care.

Boundaries help us feel emotionally and physically secure and clarify our beliefs (the reasons why we may need to establish boundaries in the first place).

What Even Are Boundaries and How Should You Set Them?
It can be difficult to tell whether your boundaries are helpful or hurtful to you and the people in your life.

#3 David Bowie's Creativity: In a Class of Its Own

He [David Bowie] was never too hung up on his own identity to not simply come across as an interesting person absorbed in the flurry of happening culture around him—and this culture came from all walks of life.

This article is about the all-encompassing, multidimensional spirit that David Bowie embodied, and the inspirational artist, Anthony Newley, who made Bowie want to create a rock musical. It's comforting to know that our rock idols had idols that they looked up to, people who helped fuel their creativity.

Click through to read the article, and don't miss the Anthony Newley song (from an Ed Sullivan episode). It's easy to see why Bowie was so inspired by Newley.

The inspiration that made David Bowie want to write a musical
You don’t look at Mick Jagger and sense the lingering influence of Yukio Mishima or the Salvador Dalí in his work the same way you do with David Bowie.

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Episode #21: Creative Flow: Self-Care that Matters

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Episode #20: Affirmation Meditation: Keep Your Dreams Alive

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Let the Verse Flow is an independent, member-supported publication launched in June 2023 by Jill Hodge. If you subscribe today, you'll have full access to the website and newsletter, including articles, podcast episodes, and the Me-Time Mixtape Newsletter. Members are vital to building a rich community of diverse voices. Join us by subscribing today; consider a paid subscription to support the community. Thank you!